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SHOUTcast >>


Controlling your SHOUTcast server

The SCP control panel is used to control your SHOUTcast server. Login using your Z-Host members area username and password at:


Unless you understand the configuration options, you should probably leave them as they are.

Getting Started

Before you can start broadcasting, you'll need to start the SHOUTcast server. Do this by clicking on "Start Server" in SCP. You can leave all the other options set at their defaults for now.

You'll need a SHOUTcast source running on your PC. This sends your music to the SHOUTcast server, where it gets streamed to listeners. Under Windows the most common way to do this is using SHOUTcast DSP running as a WinAmp plugin. If you haven't already got the latest version of WinAmp, download and install it from WinAmp.com. Now download and install the SHOUTcast DSP from SCP page. Once you've got it all setup, visit your SHOUTcast URL where you'll see details of your broadcast. Now get a friend to visit your SHOUTcast URL and click the "Listen" link. Congratulations, you've just started your first broadcast!

Integration with your web site

You can integrate your SHOUTcast server with your current web site so that visitors to your web site can listen to your radio. There are several different ways of doing this, some of which are explained here.

In all of these examples, replace with your SHOUTcast IP address and port number, shown on your SCP control panel.

Windows Media Player integration

This displays a Windows Media Player bar on your site. The radio station plays in the media player bar. Simply copy the HTML code below, edit the "URL" section appropriately and paste it into your web page. The "Value" setting of the URL should be the "SHOUTcast URL" shown on the SCP SHOUTcast control panel page.

<object id="MediaPlayer" type="application/x-oleobject" height="36"
         standby="Please Wait..." width="148"
    <param name="URL" value="" ref>
    <param name="rate" value="1">
    <param name="balance" value="0">
    <param name="currentPosition" value="240.5692404">
    <param name="defaultFrame" value>
    <param name="playCount" value="1">
    <param name="autoStart" value="-1">
    <param name="currentMarker" value="0">
    <param name="invokeURLs" value="-1">
    <param name="baseURL" value>
    <param name="volume" value="76">
    <param name="mute" value="0">
    <param name="uiMode" value="mini">
    <param name="stretchTofit" value="0">
    <param name="windowlessvideo" value="0">
    <param name="enabled" value="-1">
    <param name="enableContextmenu" value="-1">
    <param name="fullScreen" value="0">
    <param name="SAMIStyle" value>
    <param name="SAMILang" value>
    <param name="SAMIFilename" value>
    <param name="captioningid" value>
    <param name="enableErrordialogs" value="0">
    <param name="_cx" value="3916">
    <param name="_cy" value="953">
RealPlayer integration

This displays a RealPlayer bar on your site. The radio station plays in the RealPlayer. Simply copy the HTML code below, edit the "URL" section appropriately and paste it into your web page. The "Value" setting of the SRC should be the "SHOUTcast URL" shown on the SCP SHOUTcast control panel page.

<object id="RealPlayer" height=99 width=378
    <param name="SRC" value="">
    <param name="controls" VALUE="ControlPanel,InfoVolumePanel">
    <param name="console" VALUE="Clip1">
    <param name="_ExtentX" value="10001">
    <param name="_ExtentY" value="2619">
    <param name="AUTOSTART" value="0">
    <param name="SHUFFLE" value="0">
    <param name="PREFETCH" value="0">
    <param name="NOLABELS" value="0">
    <param name="LOOP" value="0">
    <param name="NUMLOOP" value="0">
    <param name="CENTER" value="0">
    <param name="MAINTAINASPECT" value="0">
    <param name="BACKGROUNDCOLOR" value="#ffffff">
    <embed type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" console="Clip1"
           controls="ControlPanel,InfoVolumePanel" height=105
           width=275 autostart=false>
Adding a WinAmp "Listen" link

You can add a WinAmp "Listen" link to your site. Visitors can click on this link to listen to your radio broadcasts. To do this, create a link on your web page with the target the same as your SHOUTcast URL appended with "/listen.pls". It should end up being someting like "".

Example HTML:

<A HREF="">Listen Using WinAmp</A>

Remember to replace the URL with the one shown on your SCP control panel.

Adding a RealPlayer "Listen" link

You can add a RealPlayer "Listen Using RealPlayer" link to your site. Visitors can click on this link to listen to your radio broadcasts via RealPlayer. They must have RealPlayer installed for this to work. To do this, firstly create a text file called "listen.ram". This file must have the following line (replace with your SHOUTcast server IP address and port number):

Upload this file into your public_html folder on your web site. Now create an HTML link to this using the code below:

<A HREF="/listen.ram">Listen Using RealPlayer</A>

Remember to replace the URL in the listen.ram file with the one shown on your SCP control panel.

"On Demand" Streaming

Instead of the normal broadcast mode, SHOUTcast can operate in "On Demand" mode. In this mode, mp3 files are streamed to a listener when they connect to the server using a special URL.

To use this mode, use the SCP "File Manager" to upload an mp3 file (for example "mymusic.mp3"). Then create a link on your web site to the following URL:

Your HTML code should look like this:

<A HREF="">Listen To MyMusic</A>

Once again, replace the URL shown above with the one shown on your SCP control panel.

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